
Caged tart
Caged tart

caged tart

YELLOW: ‘Leveller’ is a large, yellow dessert gooseberry with one of the best flavours of any cultivar.

caged tart

GREEN: ‘Greenfinch’ produces a prolific crop of gooseberries that are delicious eaten cooked.Leave in the oven for an extra five minutes if the filling is too wobbly. Place on a serving platter and dust with icing sugar Allow the tarts to cool on a wire rack before using a metal spatula to remove them from their tart tins.Check to ensure the tarts are fully cooked by making sure the filling is set.Place the gooseberries on top (round side up if halved). Spoon the creamy egg mixture into the prepared tart cases, carefully, until the cases are really full.In a bowl, mix the filling by combining the eggs with the caster sugar, double cream and vanilla seeds.Leave the oven on at the same temperature. Remove the tart cases from the oven and leave to cool with the baking parchment removed. Place them on a baking tray and bake blind for 12 minutes. Cover the lined tart tins with baking parchment and baking beans.Remove the dough disc from the fridge, heat the oven to 180☌ and roll out the pastry to line six 7cm tart tins that have been buttered.Cling film the dough disc and refrigerate for one hour. Take the dough ball from the mixer bowl and flatten into a disc.Be careful not to add too much egg white, because you do not want a wet dough. Add the egg yolk and just enough of the egg white to make a dough.To make the pastry, place the butter, flour and sugar in a food processor and mix until the mixture looks like breadcrumbs.400g gooseberries, washed and whole or sliced in half (your preference).When I serve fruit tarts for a supper party, I like to accompany them with a cold liqueur: Amaretto di Saronno, Aquavit or Courvoisier are perfect. Their acidity is cushioned by the richness of the cream, eggs and sugar, yet is still powerful enough to cut through the butteriness of the pastry. The gooseberries in this recipe have not been cooked beforehand, and so they are baked straight in the tart. I use them to make compotes, jams and creamy fools, but my favourite way is to create little gooseberry tarts. I freeze mine in plastic bags straight from the bush, and I top and tail them while they are still quite hard. So beautiful and full of promise, they look like translucent orbs of lime-green and pink perfection. Gooseberries are the kings of the fruit cage in June and July. The summer months bring lots of tasty fresh fruit and nothing beats a delectable gooseberry tart for a summer dessert recipe for a picnic, barbeque or even afternoon treat. With this group, it could go either way.Use your summer fruit to make this tasty gooseberry tart recipe It’s Japanese week! I cannot wait to see what the recipes are and how the bakers do. Next week, is something completely new (or at least I don’t remember them doing it before). Laura got Star Baker due to her gorgeous caged tart and her delicious pasty. And because of this and her past mistakes in the other challenges, Linda was the one to go home. and Linda, unfortunately, had their cages collapse when they tried to place them on top of their tarts. While they didn’t think her tart was actually a tart, her cage was absolutely gorgeous. That being said, quite a few bakers did an extraordinary job. Anything to do with baking and building a structure is always very difficult. The bakers had to make a tart (easy enough, right), but it had to have a decorative cage over it. On to the showstopper challenge! This was a truly brilliant challenge. Pasties and caged tarts were made on The Great British Baking Show this week Peter ended up winning the technical but the judges did think his eclairs were a bit fat. The fillings were too thin, some had separated (yikes), and others didn’t bake their shells enough (or they didn’t finish the challenge at all like Linda). Next, the technical challenge! I don’t know what it is about “easier” recipes that cause this season of bakers to completely lose it but it happened in the brownie challenge and it happened once again in the eclair challenge. There was even a handshake, although it was only from host Matt Lucas so it doesn’t hold as much weight as Paul’s. Most of the bakers did amazing and almost all the pasties had me drooling in front of the television. They had to make Cornish pasties (which I totally thought was something invented in the Midwest…). It all started how it usually does with the signature challenge. Whether that confidence was warranted or not depends on who the baker was and how they actually ended up doing in the three challenges. This week’s episode of The Great British Baking Show was all about pastry and the bakers were very confident. It was all about pastry on The Great British Baking Show this week By Sarah Perchikoff 1 year ago Follow Tweet

Caged tart